Thursday, September 20, 2012

....Blood On The Dance Floor...

Okay,for one, this is NOT a metal band. Just wanted to clarify that before I get started. And before anyone asks me, I DO NOT like this band whatsoever, but it's a 'band' a lot of people seem to like so I'm gonna post about them. So this band is made of two people. Jay Monroe and Dahvie Vanity are the two vocalists of the band. Their song genre is one I can't describe. Personally,I dislike it. I can't stand it. But girls and guys alike go wild over these guys so...Not much else to talk about these guys aside from the fact that they have 'good' looks.


  1. You should have stated why you dislike them.This just says that the band is liked and YOU dislike it. Unless this wasn't supposed to be a review...just a page stating you dislike a band, perhaps?

  2. Exactly. Barely took this seriously..Just needed to post it.
